What does everyone want for Christmas

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    I want to shove this rant right up your ass
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    People have peace and love in their life. Plus a nice break from work.
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    A coupon for a week alone. So I could put all the Damocles' swords to rest

    MAYBE do smth fun for once... If I have any time left to spare
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    @jestdotty u mean a laptop?
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    @SidTheITGuy Ah you mean this little elf’s holiday cheerhole? I’ll let you eat my candy cane too if ur a good boy. I know the dating life can be troubling and stressful - I once had 0 bitches as well - so tell you what, I’ll warm you up next to the hot fire with a spiced cider and then we can see where things lead?

    If ur not Sid, this is not for you
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    Literally nothing.

    When I say nothing, it’s not because I’m trying to help poor friends/family or because I haven’t bothered looking.

    There is literally nothing I want.
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    *inhales* youuuuuuouuuuu
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    JS going EOL.
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    * world peace

    * no more javascript

    * that it's the last christmas ever
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    Jeff bezos lifestyle
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    Escape from this hell
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    @Root go to ireland
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    @aviophille why last Christmas ever :(
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    @iiii That’s a different kind of hell.
    Also, I would be in prison by the end of my second week, either for standing up for myself/others or inadvertently causing some second-hand offense by mentioning/alluding to the violent migrants, crazy rent prices, corrupt government, etc.

    I’m bad enough at these things at work where I only get a talking-to from management and HR, but in Ireland it’s actually illegal with no actual proof necessary.

    Heck, if the Irish garda saw the memes on my phone they’d lead me to prison straightaway.
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    @Root migrants bring their families. A huge amount (most?) of these "migrants" are men of fighting age from all over the world including our enemies. Stay frosty.
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    @Demolishun I’m well aware it’s Jihad, and who is behind the policies and political agendas pushing for immigration. Doesn’t take a lot of effort to figure out, just seeing through some lies and mirror-talk.
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    Shhh regimes do not like truth saying, it points out how they're not omnipotent and immortal and hurts their giant superiority complexes, to the point of enraged violence, which then they pretend is incompetence so even if you follow all the rules you're still fucked and they get away Scott free by expending their reputations

    I really do wonder about this problem a lot. Perhaps it's not worth speaking unless you know people will like the information. Perhaps you watch regimes fall apart like you don't enable your drug addict friends; they gotta hit rock bottom
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    Everyone wants world peace and to eradicate their enemies.
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    @jestdotty I think the French had a pretty good answer to the problem.
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    @Root oh that is closer than you might think. The world is getting kinda pissed right now. Just saw a video of people being abused by the cartels in Mexico. The people whipped out machetes and started taking the cartel people apart.
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    A 8 PM -> 5 AM sleep cycle

    Or dat ass Chonkie
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    @Demolishun government is a monopoly on violence, as anarchists say

    If you think the grocery store is gonna always have food you won't grow your own vegetables. Then when they start selling rotting ones, is it any wonder people start guerrilla gardening
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    @MammaNeedHummus that sounds rly nice but nearly impossible for me. I ate too many spicy chips and now I cannot sleep.
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    @MammaNeedHummus nah just extremely spicy - I probably have it now lol
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