
Is this a Place to Post Coding Questions or am i on the wrong site

  • 6
    That’s like asking “am I wrong for pranking my boyfriend by putting hot sauce in his butthole during a romantic love-making session?”
  • 12
    stackoverflow.com is that way >>>>

    The purpose of this site is clearly shown in its name.
  • 21
    First you go to stackoverflow to post your question, then you come back here to rant about how they downvoted it
  • 3
  • 4
    devRant is not a Q&A site but you can definitely rant about the tech issues you've been facing and any humans involved in that process
  • 4
    So yeah you got your answer ☝️ but good for asking first ;)
  • 2
    @chaosesqueteam2 The problem with stackoverflow is, they only favor questions which answers can be found on official documentation anyway. If you ask homework problems, or real world problems you stumbled on during work, you will be most likely downvoted or ignored, since people can't be bothered to help you. Understandable, since they are not paid to do so anyway.

    On the other hand, answering questions which answers are available in documentation is very easy and takes little time.
  • 3
    Bad posting:

    @kobenz fuck you, you retarded bitch.

    Good posting:

    @kobenz exactly. This guy gets it.

    Like choose your own misadventure books.
  • 0

    And still with the same song...
  • 0
    @chaosesqueteam2 hey… fuck you pot bellied moron
  • 0
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